

5 tips to engage your customers with event-based marketing

Take advantage of moments that matter with in-depth insight into customer behavior to drive engagement and revenue. Event-based marketing opens new opportunities for marketers to anticipate customer needs and react with spot-on messaging that helps build a mutually rewarding and long-term relationship. But event-based marketing needs to be done right—outreach that misses the mark in timing, frequency, channel or message can prove counterproductive.


Analytics to optimize Marketing performance

To be able to take control and do effective planning, marketers need insights that can only be supplied by marketing analytics. Increasing volumes of disparate data and multiplying silos of potentially analyz- able information have created chaos – chaos that is intensified by the widespread reliance on the array of discon- nected and inconsistent spreadsheets that many marketers use to track, process and analyze data.


Customer Experience Management Solution Guide IBM Tealeaf

IBM® Tealeaf® CX is an industry-leading robust datastore of online customer information and the engine behind all IBM Tealeaf products. Using groundbreaking patented technology, Tealeaf CX captures
and manages each visitor interaction on your website. Across the organization, from e-business and production support to customer service and compliance, Tealeaf CX is a distinct solution that delivers breakthrough visibility into your customers’ online experiences.


Customer Experience Management best practices for e-Businesses

These best practices provide a way for customer-centric companies to utilize their website optimization tools to create visibility, to gain insights about customer behavior, and most importantly, to find the right answers that enable them to provide more rapid value to their online customers.


IBM Tealeaf CX: A leading data capture for online Customer Behavior Analytics

Using groundbreaking patented technology, Tealeaf CX captures and manages each visitor interaction on your website. Across the organization, from e-business and production support to customer service and compliance, Tealeaf CX is a distinct product that delivers breakthrough visibility into your customers’ online experiences.


Turn Data and Analytics into a Competitive Advantage

Business leaders recognize that applying analytics across all data types is changing operations and decision making.